Impassioned by baby knits, knitting in general, tutorials and wool, each person joining our team brings her savoir-faire and her specialties (bonnets, berets, baby shoes, etc). This team includes mothers, active women or retired, pediatric nurses, etc, whose common point is to live in the proximity of the Lemanic area.

At 7 years old, my Alsatian Nanny initiated me to the knitting and crochet hook art, my grand mothers, aunts and cousins helping me to improve as time passed. Literally In love with any kind of ancestral and crafts techniques, this form of « active meditation » follows me since anywhere, from my couch to the other end of the world, during my numerous trips and travels, which are a source of endless inspirations. That’s how the idea of creating Intemporels Baby Knits came to me!
MADO & ANNE – MORZINE – 83 et 57
My Mum and I love to knit
My mother started to knit when she was 6! Later, she learned to make socks to help her own mother !
As for myself, since I was a little girl, I observed my Mum and my paternal grand-mother knit… so I wanted to learn as well !
We often make birth gifts with little baby socks and hats…that parents appreciate !
It’s fun to know that many kids in the village (Morzine) are wearing our babies socks !
I find knitting restful, relaxing… and we can dream when we knit !

My grand mother transmitted me her knitting passion when I was a child. It is only now, that I measure the present she gave to me. Self entrepreneur, I share now my experience, organizing knitting and crochet workshops, which bring me so much satisfaction.
I’m a self entrepreneur and will be retired in 2 years. I have 2 daughters and 3 grand kids. I’ve been knitting since I was 16. And I just love it ! It is such a relaxing activty. As soon as I have nothing to do, I get bored… therefore, I serach for new tutos for my grand kids… and Hop ! Her we go again for enjoyable moments !

I’m a pedriatic nurse auxiliary in a day care center. I’m a very passionate person with a strong artistic side, playing music since I was 7 years old. I’ve also been dancing Salsa for the last 3 years. My mother and grand mother taught me knitting and crochet in my childhood. I just love to create with my hands in all sorts of crafts (knitting, crochet, needlepoint…) for the pleasure of fabricated handmade and unique items.
I live in Founex, a part of the Vaud Area in Switzerland. I’m lucky enough to work at a 5 minutes’ bicycle trip from my home ! I’m the head of a kindergarten, which welcomes toddlers from 2 to 4 years old. I’ve been knitting since I was a little girl. I learned at school, because my Mum doesn’t knit at all. I alway have a piece of work going and I love travelling by train to get it done faster ! The more stress, the more I knit !

I’m very a very manual and multifaceted person. Born in pans like my grand-mother would say, she used to be a cook, one of the passion she transmitted to me, as well as knitting first, sewing and later on crochet. I started my creations 20 years ago for the realization of my weeding sweet boxes and since that time I haven’t stoped. Everywhere I go, my crochet work follows.
Native of Vendée in France, my great grand-mothers and grand-mothers taught me knitting and crochet at an early age. I knitted for my entire family and now, I knit for my grand-daughter and love it!

Now retired, I’ve been knitting for many years. First for my 2 sons, friends’ kids and then for my 4 grand children and when I have a bit of time, for 2 associations. It’s a real relaxation for me and a great pleasure to offer!